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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 19, Number 4, 2020

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Modeling Louisiana Pinesnake Habitat to Guide the Search for Population Relicts
Amanda Anderson, Wade A. Ryberg, Kevin L. Skow, Brian L. Pierce, Shelby Frizzell, Dalton B. Neuharth, Connor S. Adams, Josh B. Pierce2, D. Craig Rudolph, Roel R. Lopez, and Toby J. Hibbitts
Incidence of Invasive Privet (Ligustrum spp.) on Swainson’s Warbler Breeding Territories in the Gulf Coastal States
Gary R. Graves
Length–Weight and Morphological Relationships for Ecological Studies Involving Ringed Crayfish (Faxonius neglectus neglectus): An Extraregional Invader
Anthony W. Rodger, and Trevor A. Starks
Evidence for an Established Population of Tegu Lizards (Salvator merianae) in Southeastern Georgia, USA
Daniel Haro, Lance D. McBrayer, John B. Jensen, James M. Gillis, Lea’ R. Bonewell, Melia G. Nafus, Stephen E. Greiman, Robert N. Reed, and Amy A. Yackel Adams
Distribution and Natural History of Purseweb Spiders, Sphodros spp. (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Atypidae), in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama
Paul E. Moler, Dirk J. Stevenson, Barry W. Mansell, Jonathan D. Mays, and Catherine W. Lee
Effect of Stream Permanence on Predation Risk of Lotic Crayfish by Riparian Predators
Allyson N. Yarra and Daniel D. Magoulick
Quantifying Morphology of Cyprinella lutrensis x C. venusta Hybrids in Missouri
Christopher M. Hockaday and Aaron D. Geheber
Temporal Movement Patterns Predict Collisions Between Female Florida Key Deer and Vehicles on Big Pine Key, Florida
Anthony W. Braden, Israel D. Parker, Roel R. Lopez, and Nova J. Silvy
Environmental Instream Flows to Support Physical Habitat for Freshwater Biodiversity in Alabama’s Rivers
Sarah Praskievicz and Cehong Luo
Shelter Guarding Behavior of the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) in North Carolina Streams
Shem Unger, Catherine M. Bodinof Jachowski, Lauren Diaz, and Lori A. Williams
Effects of Hurricane Irma on the Endangered Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit
Andrea E. Montalvo, Israel D. Parker, Alison A. Lund, Nova J. Silvy, Roel R. Lopez, Sandra I. Sneckenberger, and Katherine G. Watts
Fall and Winter Diets of Eastern Gray Squirrels in a Seasonally Flooded Ecosystem in Alabama
Sarah B. Wilson, Todd D. Steury, Robert A. Gitzen, and Stephen S. Ditchkoff
Leucistic American Alligator Hatchlings in Coastal South Carolina
Thomas R. Rainwater, Jane Griess, Thomas M. Murphy, Shane M. Boylan, Benjamin B. Parrott, Satomi Kohno, Katherine A.E. Rainwater, Sean M. Richards, Matthew Guillette,Tony Mills, Steven G. Platt, Philip M. Wilkinson, and Louis J. Guillette Jr.
Predation of Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel by Long-tailed Weasel
Christine A. Kelly, Marcus B. Simpson, Marilyn J. Westphal, and Alan B. Smith
Noteworthy Books B3

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