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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 19, Number 1, 2020

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Why Research on Lyme Disease and Ixodes scapularis Needs Wildlife Ecology Without Taxonomic Bias: A Review
Shelby Zikeli and Sarah Zohdy
Notable Mygalomorph Spider (Araneae: Mygalomorphae) Records for the Coastal Plain of Georgia
Dirk J. Stevenson and Rebecca L. Godwin
Partitioning of Bee Diversity at a Small Spatial Scale in an Urban Arboretum
Jeffrey D. Lozier, Clare N. Ols, Charles A. Pitsenberger, Vanessa M. Marshall, and Monica H.M. Watkins
Associations Between Nekton Assemblages and Ribbed Mussel (Geukensia demissa) Patches in a South Carolina Salt Marsh
Asa R. Julien, Daniel J. McGlinn, Andrew W. Tweel, and Peter R. Kingsley-Smith
A Striped Newt Population at the Southern Extent of Its Range in Osceola County, Florida
Kevin M. Enge, James C. Blush, Jason Hickson, Amanda Lee, and Sara Miller

Rest-Site Use and the Apparent Rarity of an Ozark Population of Plains Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius interrupta)
Summer D. Higdon and Sara Miller
Butterfly Biodiversity on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA
Lance A. Durden, John A. Hyatt, Brian G. Scholtens, and James K. Adams
Identifying Life-History Traits that Promote Occurrence for Four Minnow (Leuciscidae) Species in Intermittent Gulf Coastal Plain Streams
Jessica L. Davis, Mary C. Freeman, and Stephen W. Golladay
Diversity and Habitat Distributions of Ground-surface Spiders (Araneae) in Kings Mountain National Military Park, South Carolina
Sarah D. Stellwagen and Joseph D. Culin
Breaking the Mississippi River Barrier: Range Extensions of Faxonius palmeri Subspecies and Overlap with Rare Crayfish Species in Louisiana
William R. Budnick, Christopher P. Bonvillain, Samantha Lott, and Michael D. Kaller
Seasonal Correlations Between Kudzu and Avian Species Diversity and Abundance in Southeastern Tennessee
Amelia B. Hudson and David A. Aborn
First Verified Record of the Smooth Hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena) in Coastal Waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico with a Review of their Occurrence in the Western North Atlantic Ocean
Bethany M. Deacy, Heather E. Moncrief-Cox, and John K. Carlson
Vertebrate Carrion in Land Snail Diets: First Observation of Amphibian (Plethodontid Salamander) Consumption by a Terrestrial Snail in Southern Appalachia
Jeremy D. Pustilnik
New Record for the Northern Yellow Bat (Dasypterus intermedius) in Mississippi
Kathy R. Shelton, Katelin P. Cross, and Tami L. Hudson
Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) Observed Using a Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Burrow
Alex D. Potash, Chris M. Murphy, J.T. Pynne, Robert A. McCleery, L. Mike Conner,Steven B. Castleberry, and Lora L. Smith
Florida Key Deer Presence on Outer Islands Following New World Screwworm and Hurricane Irma
Israel D. Parker, Jeannette Parker, Andrea E. Montalvo, Roel R. Lopez, Nova J. Silvy, Alison A. Lund, Edward Barham, Drew S. Finn, and Matthew Crawford
New Species Distribution Record for Simpsonaias ambigua (Say) (Salamander Mussel, Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Harpeth River, Tennessee
Kristin I. Womble, Gerald R. Dinkins, J. Brian Alford, and Meredith H. Harris<
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