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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 16, Special Issue 10, 2017

The Outdoor Classroom

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
General Acknowledgments i
Reed F. Noss
Introduction: Lessons from the Outdoor Classroom
Karen Cole and Cynthia Bennington
K–12 Outreach  
Educational Applications of Small-Mammal Skeletal Remains Found in Discarded Bottles
M. Patrick Brannon, Janis K.H. Brannon, and Richard E. Baird
Connecting Teenagers to Coastal Sciences through Research and Education: Shark Fest Program
Samuel D. Clardy and Jill M. Hendon
The Schaus Swallowtail Habitat Enhancement Project: An Applied Service-Learning Project Continuum from Biscayne National Park to Miami–Dade County Public Schools
Jaeson Clayborn, Suzanne Koptur, George O’Brien, and Kevin R.T. Whelan
Undergraduate Research and Service-Learning Projects  
Natural History Collections: Teaching about Biodiversity Across Time, Space, and Digital Platforms
Anna K. Monfils, Karen E. Powers, Christopher J. Marshall, Christopher T. Martine, James F. Smith, and L. Alan Prather
An Inquiry-based Approach to Engaging Undergraduate Students in On-campus Conservation Research Using Camera Traps
Andrew J. Edelman and Jennifer L. Edelman
Team Salamander and its Evolution as the Longest-Running Group-Studies Initiative at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Thomas P. Wilson, Bradley R. Reynolds, Penni Jo Wilson, Paul-Erik Bakland, Jeremy Hooper, Nyssa Hunt, Simone Madsen, Maria Cooksey, Patricia Garland, Wes Grigsby, Brittany Killian, Nakeisha Ricks, Elizabeth Staundt, Micah Taylor, Emily Busby, Jose Barbosa, Ethan Carver, Daniel Armstrong, Mark Dillard, Joe Simpson, Mark Wisdom, Tabitha M. Wilson, and Team Salamander
Ongoing Conservation/restoration Projects  
The FIU Nature Preserve: Achieving Biological Conservation Through Diversification of Stakeholders
Suzanne Koptur and Alexandra Dutton
Rocky River Wetland Usage for Education and Recreation: Early Planning and Implementation in Anderson County, South Carolina
Thomas Kozel
From the Ground Up: Natural History Education in an Urban Campus Restoration
Karen Cole and Cynthia Bennington
Meeting Society’s Needs for Education and Discovery: A Survey of Eight Field Stations and Marine Laboratories in the Southeastern United States
J. Christopher Havran, Kirk A. Stowe, Tom A. Blanchard, Karen L. Kandl, Matthew E. Kimball, Stephen C. Richter, Hilary M. Swain, Fred E. Lohrer, Dustin D. Angell, and Theron M. Terhune II

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