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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 16, Number 2, 2017

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Using Landscape Characteristics to Predict Distribution of Temperate-Breeding Canada Geese
Mark A. McAlister, Christopher E. Moorman, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Joseph C. Fuller, Douglas L. Howell, and Christopher S. DePerno
Baseline Capture Rates and Roosting Habits of Myotis septentrionalis (Northern Long-eared Bat) Prior to White-nose Syndrome Detection in the Southern Appalachians
Vanessa G. Rojas, Joy M. O’Keefe, and Susan C. Loeb
Daily Survival Rate and Habitat Characteristics of Nests of Wilson’s Plover
Elizabeth Zinsser, Felicia J. Sanders, Patrick Gerard, and Patrick G.R. Jodice
Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) May Exhibit an Ontogenetic Dietary Shift
Kirsten A. Hecht, Max A. Nickerson, and Phillip B. Colclough
New Distributional Records of the Stygobitic Crayfish Cambarus cryptodytes (Decapoda: Cambaridae) in the Floridan Aquifer System of Southwestern Georgia
Danté B. Fenolio, Matthew L. Niemiller, Andrew G. Gluesenkamp, Anna M. McKee, and Steven J. Taylor
Using Drift Fence Arrays to Compare Terrestrial Herpetofauna Diversity in Three Habitats at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
John A. Muller, Joseph A. Veech, and Justin Roach
Responses of an Endangered Songbird to an Extreme Drought Event
Melanie R. Colón, Ashley M. Long, and Michael L. Morrison
Comparison of the Precision of Age Estimates Generated from Fin Rays, Scales, and Otoliths of Blue Sucker
Matthew R. Acre, Celeste Alejandrez, Jessica East, Wade A. Massure, Seiji Miyazono, Jessica E. Pease, Elizabeth L. Roesler, Heather M. Williams, and Timothy B. Grabowski
Precision and Accuracy of Age Estimates Obtained from Anal Fin Spines, Dorsal Fin Spines, and Sagittal Otoliths for Known-Age Largemouth Bass
Zachary B. Klein, Timothy F. Bonvechio, Bryant R. Bowen, and Michael C. Quist
Relationship of Acorn Mast Production to Black Bear Population Growth Rates and Human–Bear Interactions in Northwestern South Carolina
Shefali Azad, Tammy Wactor, and David Jachowski
A Novel Bait for Capturing Eastern Musk Turtles
Eric C. Munscher, Andrew D. Walde, Angela M. Walde, Brian P. Butterfield, and Nicole Salvatico
The Herpetofauna of Conservation Lands along the Altamaha River, Georgia
Dirk J. Stevenson and Houston C. Chandler
Stable Isotope Analysis of Dietary Overlap between the Endangered Red Wolf and Sympatric Coyote in Northeastern North Carolina
Brian S. Arbogast, Anne-Marie C. Hodge, and Joan Brenner-Coltrain
Movement Patterns of Sphyrna tiburo (Bonnethead Shark) in a Shallow Tidal Creek System
Dontrece T. Smith and Mary Carla Curran
New County Records of Little Brown and Northern Long-eared Bats in Georgia
Jacalyn M. Beck and Katrina M. Morris
Anthropogenic Associated Mortality in the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis)
Shem D. Unger, Lori A. Williams, John D. Groves, Charles R. Lawson, and
W. Jeffrey Humphries
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