Eagle Hill Masthead
ANB Masthead
NENHC Home Registration Program Presentation

Northeast Natural History Conference 2025 Registration Form

Please note: If this form is successfully submitted, you will receive an email verification of the information you sent (separate from the automated message that appears onscreen after hitting the submit button). If you do not receive verification within two business days, please contact us to resolve the issue (though first please check your email's Junk and Spam folders to be sure the confirmation message did not get filtered out of your Inbox). We strongly recommend registering well in advance of deadlines.

Also note: As networking and making professional connections is a major objective and benefit for many attending the conference, we include the name and contact information for all those who register for the conference, so be sure to put down on the registration form the information you would like to appear in the booklet. If for some reason you do not want your name and information to appear in the booklet please let us know using the comment field in the registration form.

I. Registrant Information

* Denotes required fields. If requesting student rates, please be sure to include the department and college or university, or the high school, in which you are currently enrolled. Please enter information as you wish it to appear in the conference catalog.

*First Name
*Last Name
*State/Province (Two letter postal abbreviation)
*5-Digit Zip/Postal Code
Country (if not USA)
*Phone ( please format using dashes as XXX-XXX-XXXX and include ext. if appropriate.)
Click this button if you are a student interested in serving as a Conference Volunteer (work 8 hours and get your basic registration fee reimbursed—see our Students page for more info). Yes  
Click this button if you are not submitting a poster and are interested in serving as a Poster Judge. Yes  
Are you presenting a poster presentation?
(If yes, use section IV at the end to enter your presentation information). NOTE: non-presenting co-authors should not click yes
Yes   No  
 ... If so, are you currently a student? [only student posters are eligible to be judged for awards] Graduate student
Not a student  
Are you presenting an oral presentation?
(If yes, use section IV at the end to enter your presentation information). NOTE: non-presenting co-authors should not click yes
Yes   No  

Workshops and field trips ... We list workshops and field trips as they are confirmed. Keep checking the web site for new offerings. You may sign up for workshops or field trips after you have registered by sending your choices to office@eaglehill.us (please don't complete a second registration form).

For details, including and fees charged (which would be paid directly to the field trip/workshop leader at the start of the event), see workshop descriptions here and field trip descriptions here.

Conference workshops and field trips available at this time are as follows. **If one is marked as FULL, and any subsequent sign-ups will be added to a waiting list in the order received.

Workshop 1: Wildlife Track and Sign Certification

Workshop 2: Fulbright US Scholar Program: Insights from an Alumni Ambassador

Field Trip 1: Bird Walk at Fort River National Wildlife Refuge

II. Registration

IIa. Basic Registration Fees (covers access to all conference activities and a sit-down banquet lunch each day. Dinners require an extra fee but offer an excellent and thoroughly enjoyable chance to continue conference networking opportunities into the evening—see IIIc below to sign up.

*Early registration (payment received by end of day April 14—save 15% compared to regular preregistration!)

  Full Conference
    Regular: $324
Student: $194
Retired*: $259
Single Day
    Regular: $194
Student: $116
Retired*: $155
Saturday, April 5
Sunday, April 6
*Those over 65 years of age and no longer employed are eligible for this reduced rate.

*IIb. Lunch Choice
Note: Lunch (complete with rolls, choice of entree, dessert, and coffee or tea) is included with pre-registration. Please indicate your entree preferences. If you do not wish to sign up for a meal, please make sure "No thank you" is selected for the entree.

Lunches this year are plated, sit-down meals.The Catering Service has a reputation for creating excellent meals. (click here for full lunch menu details and entree descriptions). Note: the chef is very willing to accommodate dietary restrictions (e.g., gluten intolerance, vegan diet, etc.—see menu for further info).
Chicken Piccatta
Haddock Francaise
Cauliflower Steak Grilled (vegetarian)
No thank you

Rosemary and Garlic Chicken
Grilled Atlantic Salmon
Vegetarian Pasta Primavera (vegetarian)
No thank you


*IIc. Dinner Registration
Note: A sit-down banquet dinner at the conference on Saturday evening is an option with pre-registration; onsite sign-up for meals is not possible. If you do not wish to sign up for a meal, please click "No thank you" for both the entree and the dessert.

Dinners prices include choice of entree, salad, rolls and butter, sides, dessert, and coffee or tea. Gratuity is included. (click here for full dinner menu details and entree descriptions). Note: the chef is very willing to make modifications to accommodate dietary restrictions (e.g., gluten intolerance, vegan diet, etc.—see menu for further info).
Prime Rib: $50
Pan-seared Scallops: $55
Vegetable Napoleon: $48 (vegetarian)
No thank you

III. Comments (thoughts, concerns, questons, dietary restrictions, etc.)

IV. Presentation Information

NOTE: Only fill out this section if you are giving a presentation yourself ... NOT if you are a non-presenting co-author.

What kind of presentation(s) are you planning on giving? Oral   Poster   Both

If you will be giving an oral presentation and already know which session you prefer to to be in, please enter this here:

Please indicate any timing restrictions for scheduling your presentation(s) here (e.g., if you can't present on a particular day or a particular part of a day, if you need to present on the same day as another presenter, etc.). Note that if you can attend for one day only, but are flexible as to which day that is then please note that here but go ahead and register for whichever day you like—it will be no problem for us to switch your day should the final scheduling of the presentations make that necessary.

•Avoid the use of all caps. Please use upper and lower case in Times 10 pt font when providing the following information about your presentation.
•Affiliation name and location (city, state) needs to be placed in parentheses immediately following the person's name.
•Italicize scientific names of all genus and species mentioned.
•Limit the abstract to a single paragraph with a maximum of no more than 350 words.
•The first time a species is mentioned in the text of an abstract, give both its scientific name (listed first) and, if it has one, its common name (following in parentheses).
•Capitalize the common names of all species.
•Avoid as much as possible the use of specialized mathematical symbols.
•For the sake of clarity, please use first person and active tense except in instances where it would make a sentence unnecessarily wordy, complex, or awkward.
Click here for a pdf of the following annotated sample that illustrates the key formatting guidelines.

VERY IMPORTANT: In addition to providing the title and presenter information below for each presentation, you need to email your abstract, along with all of the presentation information, formatted as described above, as a Word file to keithg@eaglehill.us. For the title the file and the email subject line, use: [your last name and first initial]-NENHC 2024-specify Oral or Poster] Presentation (for example: JonesM-NENHC2024-Oral Presentation). You will receive an email confirming receipt of your abstract.

IV.a. Poster Presentation(s)

Poster #1 Title
(please limit to 100 characters in length)
Poster #2 Title
(please limit to 100 characters in length)
Presenter name (followed by affiliation and email address in parenthesis)


IV.b. Oral Presentation(s)

Oral #1 Title
(please limit to 100 characters in length)
Oral #2 Title
(please limit to 100 characters in length)
Oral #3 Title
(please limit to 100 characters in length)
Presenter name (followed by affiliation and email address in parenthesis)

How would you like to pay?
I will pay online (credit card, debit card, or PayPal ... you will be directed to a PayPal page, but you do not need to have a PayPal account. You may choose to pay by credit card at the bottom of the PayPal page)
I will pay by check (snail mail)
My registration fees will be paid by someone else (e.g., my advisor, professor, supervisor, etc.)

To be transferred to a summary page to review and confirm your registration choices.
To clear all fields and start over.

>E-Commerce site required information ... Contact information - Eagle Hill Institute, PO Box 9, Steuben, ME 04680-0009. Customer service: 207-546-2821 # 1, or office@eaglehill.us. Refund policy: See ... https://www.eaglehill.us/NENHC_2025/registration/registrationinfo.shtml. Privacy statement: We know that you care how information from you is used. We do not share your information with others.