Call for Presentations
Oral presentation and poster presentations describing research projects and results focusing on terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms and their environments in northeastern North America are welcome. Those not wishing to make an oral presentations are encouraged to submit a poster presentation.
Deadlines for submission:
Oral presenters need to submit their abstracts and register for the conference no later than February 3, 2025.
Poster presenters need to submit their abstracts and register for the conference no later than February 10, 2025.
The Conference registration form contains a section for submission of abstracts. Please see our guidelines for oral presentations and poster presentations. All abstracts will be reviewed by the NENHC Program Committee. If you do not receive a submission confirmation, you must assume we did not receive your abstract.
The conference schedule will provide a detailed list of the titles, presenters' names, and schedules for all oral and poster presentations.
Full abstracts will be made available and archived on the Conference website.
About the Conference