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Multiple Cases of Hypomelanism in Wood Frog Larvae (Rana sylvatica) Associated with Developmental Retardation and Mortality

A.Z. Andis Arietta1,*, Adriana Rubinstein1, L. Kealoha Freidenburg1, and Paige N.K. Johnson1

1Department of Environmental Science and Technology, 1443 Animal Science Bldg, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. *Corresponding author.

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 27, Issue 4 (2020): 641–648

Hypomelanism in natural populations is rare and has been anecdotally associated with developmental retardation and mortality when present in anuran larvae. We report multiple, recent cases of hypomelanism across 5 populations in 2 counties in Connecticut. We also experimentally confirm that this phenotype is associated with extremely delayed metamorphosis and increased mortality.

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