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Interspecific Territorial Behavior of Two Mourning Cloaks (Nymphalis antiopa) in Response to a Diurnally Active Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)

Nicholas M. Anich1,*, J. Paul White2, and Stephen E. Anich3

1Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2501 Golf Course Road, Ashland, WI 54806. 2Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison WI 53703. 312601 Yukon Trail, Minocqua, WI 54548. *Corresponding author.

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 27, Issue 3 (2020): N53–N57

Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak), a common daytime-flying butterfly, is known to exhibit territorial defense against small animals that share the same airspace. However, a bat seems to be an unlikely target for this aggression because bats are potential predators and diurnal bat activity is rarely observed. Here, we report territorial behavior of 2 Mourning Cloaks in response to a diurnally active Eptesicus fuscus (Big Brown Bat). This report is unusual in that it involves a non-predatory cross-phylum interaction, between an insect and a mammal.

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