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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 30, Number 1, 2023

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Front cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Intertidal Green Crab Survey Over a Ten-year Period on a Maine Cobble Beach
Bruce J. Stephen and Meg Begley–Irish
Fixed Site Sampling Versus Modified Fixed Site Sampling with a Random Sampling Component for Optimizing Early Detection Monitoring of Non-Native Fishes
Brandon S. Harris, Andrya L. Whitten, Bradley J. Smith, and Cari-Ann Hayer
Small Mammals Perceive Most Fruits of Invasive Plants as Low-Quality Forage in a Pennsylvanian Forest and Meadow
Searrah R. Bierker, Frances Brubaker, Kendra E. Scheideman, Mars Ciamacco, Meghan E. Harris, and Ryan M. Utz
Activity Patterns of Allegheny Woodrats (Neotoma magister) and Two Potential Competitors in Virginia
Karen E. Powers, Emily D. Thorne, Logan R. Platt, Kayla M. Nelson Anderson, Logan M. Van Meter, Chris M. Wozniak, Richard J. Reynolds, and W. Mark Ford
Changes in Bald Eagle Nesting Distribution and Nest-site Selection in Kentucky during 1986–2019
Joshua R. Castle, David Brown, Kelly Watson, Kate Slankard, and Taylor Allen
Demographics of Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Packs Recolonizing Variable Habitats in Central Wisconsin
Theresa L. Simpson, Richard P. Thiel, Derrick T. Sailer, David M. Reineke, and Taylor Allen
Northern Sunfish (Lepomis peltastes) Distribution in Illinois
Brian A. Metzke, Christopher A. Taylor, and Caroline P. Cato
Temporal Variation in Boxelder Seed Predation by Small Mammals
Amber M. All, Gregory H. Adler, and Jacob W. Dittel
First Record of White-tailed Deer Depredating Saltmarsh Sparrow Nests
John A. Herbert, James M. O’Neill, Deirdre E. Robinson, Joel Eckerson, and Steven E. Reinert
First Documentation of Mating Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire
Alyssa Stasse, Kelsey Meyer, Emily Williams, Gabriela Bradt, and Bonnie L. Brown
First Records of the Invasive New Zealand Mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in the Potomac River Basin
Sean M. Hartzell and John R. Frederick






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