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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 29, Number 1, 2022

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Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
A Preliminary Qualitative Study of Baited Remote Underwater Video Surveys (BRUVS) on Fish Assemblage in the Coastal Waters of Maine
Jasmine D. Nyce, Woon Yuen Koh, Kristen S. Wurth, and James A. Sulikowski
Observations of Snakes and Game Birds in a Managed Pine Barren in Massachusetts
Michael E. Akresh, Evan D. Meeker, and David I. King
Microhabitat Relationships of the Endangered Hemiparasite Schwalbea americana (American Chaffseed) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Jay F. Kelly and R. Carol Denhof
Bumble Bee (Bombus spp.) Abundance in New York Highway Roadsides across Levels of Roadside Mowing and Road Traffic
Alyssa Schoenfeldtand Kaitlin Stack Whitney
Population Dynamics of an Isolated Population of Blackbanded Sunfish, Enneacanthus chaetodon, in Eastern Maryland
Jason F. Cessna, Richard L. Raesly, Jay V. Kilian, and Staton M. Klein
Woody Plant Communities after 40 Years of Pollution Control and Restoration in Smelter-denuded Landscapes
Kiyoshi Sasaki, Fumiko Shirakura, and Frank F. Mallory
A Preliminary Study of Foraging Habitat Use by Nesting Barn Swallows in Massachusetts
Jonathan L. Atwood and Marie Rhodes
Soil Characteristics of North American Sites Colonized by the Non-Native, Invasive Vines Black Swallow-wort and Pale Swallow-wort
Lillian C. Magidow, Antonio DiTommaso, Anna S. Westbrook, Matthew J. Kwok, Quirine M. Ketterings, and Lindsey R. Milbrath
Abundance of Songbirds in Eastern Hemlock Stands Following Chemical Treatments for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Natalie M. Bekins and David R. Brown
First Breeding Record of the Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) in Vermont
Cynthia M. Crowley, Kyle F. Tansley, and Neil J. Buckley
A Male Kirtland’s Warbler Observed Feeding Yellow-rumped Warbler Nestlings
Carly N. Lapin, Nicholas M. Anich, Laura L. Jaskiewicz, Amber J. DeValk, and Michele P. Woodford
Sometimes You Can Add a Bit of Salt: Additional Freshwater Insect Species in Canadian Estuaries
Kyle M. Knysh, Mark D. Saunders, Leah P. Macintyre, Simon C. Courtenay, and Michael R. van den Heuvel
Interspecific Killing of Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox) Kits at a Den Site by Canis lupus (Gray Wolf) in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan
Tyler R. Petroelje, Nicholas L. Fowler, Elizabeth K. Orning, Brent R. Patterson, Mark C. Romanski, and Jerrold L. Belant






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