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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 28, Number 3, 2021

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Novel Use of Species Distribution Modeling to Identify High Priority Sites for American Woodcock Habitat Management
Bill Buffum, Roger Masse, and Scott R. McWilliams
Evidence of Intraguild Predation in a Snake Assemblage: Bigger Seems Better
Jason Dallas, Walter E. Meshaka Jr., and Pablo R. Delis
Using Winter Banding to Inform Scaup Population Estimates at Great South Bay, New York, and Spatial Distributions of Recoveries
Jake Chronister and Michael L. Schummer
Four New Species of North American Fireflies from Isolated Peatlands with Reference to Species Determination of Photuris Dejean (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
Christopher M. Heckscher
A Microhistological Investigation of Winter Diets of White-tailed Deer in Relict Eastern Hemlock Stands, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Grace L. Parikh, Christopher R. Webster, and John A. Vucetich
Vertical Zonation of Some Crustose Lichens (Verrucariaceae) in Bay of Fundy Littoral Zones of Nova Scotia
Cole A. Vail and Allison K. Walker
Landscape and Microsite Characteristics of American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Nest-box Sites Along Highway Corridors in Southeast Ohio
Lucille M. Williams, Donald P. Althoff, Robert L. Hopkins II, and Henry J. Barrows III
Plant Species Composition and Interactions within Communities Invaded by Persicaria perfoliata (Polygonaceae)
Jaewon Kim, Cynthia D. Huebner, and Yong-Lak Park
Genetic Diversity and Clonal Structure of Spartina alterniflora in a Virginia Marsh
Janet B. Walker, Alexandra L. Bijak, and Linda Blum
Bird-arrival Dates and Climate Change, Sherbrooke, Quebec
Norman K. Jones and Gary A.F. McCormick
Public Reporting and Perception of Invasive Pheretimoid “Jumping Worms” in the Northeastern United States
Drew M. Johnson, Kaleigh M. Gale, Annise M. Dobson, and Timothy S. McCay
Do We Impact Neighboring Nests When Managing for House Sparrows on Nest-Box Trails?
Micaela M. Rivera, Max Mindiola, Erin Engstrom, Caren B. Cooper, and Memuna Z. Khan
Goldie’s Fern (Dryopteris goldieana; Dryopteridaceae) New to the Nova Scotia Flora
Colin J. Chapman-Lam and Sean Blaney
Noteworthy Books B1






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