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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 27, Number 1, 2020

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Conservation by Minimal Intervention: Odonata Refuge in Idylwild Wildlife Management Area, Caroline County, Maryland
Harold B. White III, Michael C. Moore, James F. White Jr., and Rick Cheicante
Bony-Tongue Fishes (Teleostei: Osteoglossomorpha) from the Eocene Nanjemoy Formation, Virginia
Eric J. Hilton and Jeffrey Carpenter
Movement and Microhabitat Selection in the Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) in Southwestern Illinois
Jeremy M. Howard, Justin E. Loos, and Richard L. Essner Jr.
Fishway Effectiveness and Upstream Residency of Three Fish Species at Four Fishways in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Sean J. Landsman, Nic R. McLellan, Jonathan Platts, and Michael R. van den Heuvel
Bat Activity Correlates with Moth Abundance on an Urban Green Roof
Dustin R. Partridge, Kaitlyn L. Parkins, Susan B. Elbin, and J. Alan Clark
Ecological Stoichiometery and Consumer-driven Nutrient Recycling by Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot) in a Northeastern Coastal Zone Pond
Nicole F. Rosenfeld and Alan D. Christian
Use of Tree Cavities and Nest Boxes by Wood Ducks at Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge
J. Boomer Malanchuk and Jacob N. Straub
Local Ecosystem Uptake of Stocked Trout by Cambarus bartonii and the Relevance of Prior Exposure to Stocking
Catherine M. Neville, Marissa L. Cubbage, Meaghen R. Stewart, Christopher J. Grant, and Norris Z. Muth
Bird Use of Highway Rights-of-Way is influenced by Surrounding Adjacent Habitats and Seasons in Human-dominated Landscapes of Southern Quebec
Luc Bélanger, Benoît Jobin, Gaston Lacroix, and Yves Bédard
Evaluation of Plot-scale Methods for Assessing and Monitoring Salt Marsh Vegetation Composition and Cover
Kenneth B. Raposa, Thomas E. Kutcher, Wenley Ferguson, Richard A. McKinney, Ken Miller, and Cathleen Wigand
The Effects of Host Plant Species and Plant Quality on Growth and Development in the Meadow Spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius) on Kent Island in the Bay of Fundy
Zoe M. Wood and Patricia L. Jones
Observed predation of Neotoma magister (Allegheny Woodrat) by Strix varia (Barred Owl) in Virginia
Karen E. Powers, Miranda S. Dimas, Angie I. Leon, and Logan M. Vanmeter
Asian Longhorned Tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) Detected in New Castle and Kent Counties, Delaware
Lauren P. Maestas, Patrick, J. McGay, and Sean R. Reeser
North American River Otters Followed by Piscivorous Birds, and a River Otter Parental Distraction Display
Kenneth P. Hotopp, Alice May Hotopp, and Mary R. Gorrell






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