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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 18, Number 4, 2011

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
Fall–Winter Survival of Ruffed Grouse in New York State
Megan M. Skrip, William F. Porter, Bryan L. Swift, and Michael V. Schiavone
Characteristics of Macroinvertebrate and Fish Communities From 30 Least Disturbed
Small Streams in Connecticut

Christopher J. Bellucci, Mary Becker, and Mike Beauchene
The Nymphal Odonate Fauna of Two Watersheds in the Lower Potomac River Basin,
Maryland, with Emphasis on Rare Taxa

Patrick H. Graves III and Patrick J. Ciccotto
The Algal Flora of Acadia National Park, Maine
Melissa A. Vaccarino, Jana Veselá, and Jeffrey R. Johansen
Saxicolous Lichens on a Nova Scotian Coastal Barren
Asha M. MacDonald, Jeremy T. Lundholm, and Stephen R. Clayden
Can Turtle Mortality be Reduced in Managed Fields?
Lori Erb and Michael T. Jones
Cytochrome-b Sequence Variation in Water Shrews (Sorex palustris) from Eastern
and Western North America

Erin E. Mycroft, Aaron B.A. Shafer, and Donald T. Stewart
The Effects Of Deer Exclosures On Voles and Shrews In Two Forest Habitats
David Byman
Non-genetic Data Supporting Genetic Evidence for the Eastern Wolf
L. David Mech
New Ectoparasite Records for Bats in West Virginia and a Review of Previous Records
Nicholas S. Gikas, Dale W. Sparks, John O. Whitaker, Jr., and Joseph S. Johnson
The Terrestrial and Freshwater Tardigrada of Northeastern North America, with
New Records from Maine

Harry A. Meyer
Noteworthy Books 542






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