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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 16, Number 2, 2009

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front Cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Distribution and Dynamics of American Beech in Coastal Southern
New England

Posy E. Busby, Glenn Motzkin, and Brian Hall
Lead Objects Ingested by Common Loons in New England
Mark Pokras, Michelle Kneeland, Anna Ludi, Ethan Golden, Andrew Major,
Rose Miconi, and Robert H. Poppenga
Multi-decadal Changes in Salt Marshes of Cape Cod, MA: Photographic
Analyses of Vegetation Loss, Species Shifts, and Geomorphic Change

Stephen M. Smith
Effects of Tide Stage on the Use of Salt Marshes by Wading Birds
in Rhode Island

Kenneth B. Raposa, Richard A. McKinney, and Aaron Beaudette
West Virginia Crayfi shes (Decapoda: Cambaridae): Observations
on Distribution, Natural History, and Conservation

Zachary J. Loughman, Thomas P. Simon, and Stuart A. Welsh
Seal Bounties in Maine and Massachusetts, 1888 to 1962
Barbara Lelli, David E. Harris, and AbouEl-Makarim Aboueissa
Environmental Variability Affects Distributions of Coastal Fish Species

Joseph W. Love, Paulinus Chigbu, and Eric B. May
Influence of Soil Buffering Capacity on Earthworm Growth, Survival, and Community Composition in the Western Adirondacks and Central New York
Michael J. Bernard, Matthew A. Neatrour, and Timothy S. McCay
Biology of the Caddisfly Oligostomis ocelligera (Trichoptera: Phryganeidae) Inhabiting Acidic Mine Drainage in Pennsylvania
Lori A. Redell, Wayne K. Gall, Robert M. Ross, and David S. Dropkin
Variation in Ozone Sensitivity Within Indian Hemp and Common
Milkweed Selections from the Midwest

Lee J. Kline, Donald D. Davis, John M. Skelly, and Dennis R. Decoteau
Noteworthy Books 314






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