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Editorial Workflow ...

The Journal of the North Atlantic has established the following timeline goals for the peer review process to help assure a thorough and timely handling of all submissions.

  1. Generally, within 2 workdays of submission, author is sent an acknowledgment and request for any missing confirmations or materials.
  2. Manuscript is sent to Journal Editor and Board and then assigned and sent to a Manuscript Editor within 3 weeks of submission.
  3. Manuscript Editor to send manuscript to two reviewers within 2 weeks of taking assignment.
  4. Reviewers to complete assessment and return comments to Manuscript Editor within 4 weeks.
  5. Manuscript Editor to contact author with decision within 2 weeks of receiving reviewer comments.
  6. If revision is requested, author to revise manuscript and return it to Manuscript Editor within 4 weeks.
  7. Manuscript Editor to review revised manuscript within 2 weeks of receipt and to either request additional revision or confirm to author that the manuscript is acceptable for publication and that it has been forwarded to the Production Editor.
  8. Production staff to copy edit and complete layout of manuscript in galley form within 4 weeks of receipt of all appropriately formatted materials. Galley is then sent to Journal Editor, Manuscript Editor, and author for a final review prior to publication.
  9. Journal Editor, Manuscript Editor, and author to complete review and return galley edits within 2 weeks.
  10. Production staff to make edits, conduct a final proofing, and publish the manuscript within 2 weeks.

Thus, if authors promptly make sufficient revisions to address all reviewer concerns without necessitating further rounds of revision and review, manuscripts will generally be published within 6-7 months or less from the time of submission.




We welcome submissions of manuscripts. Please consider the following guidelines.

Submission guidelines
Formatting guidelines

If you have manuscript questions, please contact the Editor.

Anthony Newton

or general questions, please contact the the Publisher.

Joerg-Henner Lotze


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Authors may post their articles on their personal and their institution’s website. Authors retain the right to distribute their version of record (VOR), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license without embargo. The journal complies with and is green listed on Sherpa Romeo (